
– Video 1: Intro to Raspberry Pis

In this video, we shall introduce the terminal used in all Operating Systems, and practice a few lines of codes with it. We shall also introduce the Raspbery Pis, and use different electronics with it (camera, temperature sensors etc.) along with the terminal to demonstrate basic coding. *All programs used for the various electronics come pre-loaded onto the Raspberry Pis.

Commands in terminal:

For taking pictures:
raspistill -o image.jpeg

For taking videos:
raspivid -o video.3g2 -t

For using the temperature sensor:
*Must make sure in correct directory for temperature program
cd code/temp
g++ -o dht22 dht22.cpp -lwiringPi
sudo ./dht22

Stop measurement by press ctrl+c at the same time

– Video 2: Geiger Counters

In this video, we shall use Geiger Counters with our Raspberry Pis, and plot the radiation counts using the terminal.

Commands in terminal:

To plot counts from Gieger Counter:

*Must make sure in correct directory for plotting the counts:
cd ~/code/geiger
./geiger /dev/ttyUSB0